Wednesday 25 July 2012

A Month

Jeez, that month went quickly - QUT called me again yesterday to check up on how much alcomohol I have been ingesting.
Bit of a non story there because its less than I was drinking when I was writing a tender (which probably wasn't much anyway) but I haven't given up completely either. And I don't really want to.

They're going to call me again in another month and I suspect the story will be much the same, however I will be entitled to a $50 Myer voucher, and mumma needs a brand new bra, so I will be talking to them.

I am thinking I might go back to the other blog I write because writing about drinking when I am not Bukowski, is really not that interesting for anyone.

If you disagree, I would love to hear your thoughts.

Tuesday 3 July 2012

a week past

I think the last time I posted was about a week ago, and the person from QUT was going to call me the following day to talk about how much I drink.
Turns out I'm not so bad - there were lots of questions around how many times in the last 3 months have I missed work due to drinking = 0, how many times I have been unable to fulfil obligations due to drinking = 0, how many times in the last few months have I blacked out, caused or been in an accident, burned myself, fallen over etc etc etc = 0
In the end we ascertained that I just wanted to keep an eye on what I drink - the weekend saw me having about 20 units of alcohol - that is from Thursday evening to Sunday (well Saturday night because Sunday was alcohol free)
Anyway, they just really want to know if this web based tracking tool they have is actually working in making people think about what they drink and how often. It does. I find its been easier to refuse a glass of wine if I know I have to record it the next day - I have set myself a 2 per day limit, but mostly I either don't drink at all or I have 3 or 4. Interesting.

I have been trying to run or walk briskly each evening, which is easier to stomach when I know I can watch an episode of Underbelly: Tale of Two Cities (or tale of loads of titties, as it might be called) - that shit will keep me on the treadmill for at least an hour.
It's dark and cold when I leave for work each morning at the moment and dark and cold when I return home each night, which makes exercie doubly unappealing. Also, not having a dog in my life since Flipper committed suicide under the posties truck last year has really put a dent in my incidental exercise routine - dogs make you walk, no matter the weather, because 30 minutes out of your day in the dark and rain is well worth missing out on the behaviour of an agitated bull terrier Basset hound cross.
I gotta go, beautiful men are looking at me

Wednesday 27 June 2012


I have tomorrow off.

Last night we had leftover meatballs and spaghetti and beef bourginon and I had two glasses of cab sav.
And we watched the first episode of Underbelly Tale of Two Cities, which was good violent fun.

yesterday I discovered an online app that was suggested to me via Human Resources... resources (I do HR stuff at my work) that might be useful to some staff - its an app that monitors your drinking and does a compare and contrast thingy thing - anyway, the health bodies who are administering the app are running a market research type thingy where you sign up for three months and enter your daily drinking data and speak on the phone to some healthy type government folk maybe three or four times over that period and they give you fifty bucks.
So , yeah. They are calling me tomorrow.

Say When

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Tim Tam Time

Good morning

sore boobs, low resistence to bullshit, irritable, craving sugary treats, indecisive, bullish and lucky I left my wallet at home yesterday... that's right, Aunty Flo has dropped by for a visit, and I am guessing she'll be here for about a week.

Only thing is that it was my weigh in this morning, and Aunty Flow always adds a few kilos to the reading on day one. Its not too bad though, because this time she only brought one kilo with her.

Daughter made spaghetti and meatballs last night which was a wonderful carborama which concluded with me flopping on the lounge with a pleasantly distended abdomen, happy in the knowledge that Interview with the Vampire was going to start on the telly shortly.

Gosh that film is gay. I mean that in a nice sexy way.

still haven't broken the 'not on a school night' rule of no alcohol, although had there been any in the house, I may well have last night.

Monday 25 June 2012

the weekend that was

Trying to cast my mind back...

Friday after the class on Mental Illness, we beetled home and just did the normal things. My running alarm went off and I did a 30 minute walk before having dinner. There was wine - I had about 2/3 of a bottle of Cab Merlot and then went to bed pretty early because I had to work on the tender the next day.
On Saturday I got to work at about 9.30 and spent until 4 working on the tender with my colleagues. I came home to a cold, empty house and set about lighting the fire and what not when my neighbour turned up with a bag of food - My lovely weekend neighbour sometimes likes to come over to ours and cook dinner with us, and this night was a beef roast - lovely fella put together a creamy dauphinois that looked like this:

We ate and drank like Waterloo royalty - I had about a bottle of wine... we got through three bottles between us and I didn't drink the most, but it wiped me out a bit - we watched a cheesy old film from the 50s with Tuesday Weld in it called Rock Rock Rock, then I went to bed.

Sunday was my only day off this week so after popping the teens on a train, lovely man and I pottered about the house doing washing and what not, then went for a nice long walk around Back Waterloo, and came home and had a big bowl of chicken noodle soup for dinner.
Yesterday I work up at about 5.30 and started work pretty much straight away without even brushing my teeth - I worked through until about 3pm and went for a brisk 30 minute treadmill walk - I'm not watching Life on Mars anymore because the pack I got from the library only started at disc three in series one, and I wanted to watch it from the beginning.
Last night we had beef bourginon and mash

Thursday night = 2 glasses wine
Friday = 2/3 bottle red wine
Saturday = bottle red wine
Sunday = 0 alcohol
Monday = 0 alcohol

Thursday 21 June 2012

Life on Mars

Good morning

I am attending some training today in how to better manage working with people with a mental illness. Stuff to ponder over the weekend.

It's been pissing with rain here for the last few days which makes me really reluctant to go outside at all, so I have been forgoing my lunch breaks to work on claims audits and tender writing the last few days.
Last night we got home as it was getting really dark (about 6pm) to a very cold house and very hungry cats and chooks that were asleep and a goat whose eyes were glowing in the dark from the torch I shone at him to make sure he was still alive. Devil goat. In the driveway. Devil Goat Drive.

My alarm on my phone went off at 6.10 playing the Black Rebel Motor Cycle Club's Aint No Easy Way, which was my signal to get down to the nerd cave and run. Or walk briskly.

I walked briskly for the final two episodes of Weeds Series five which took about an hour, then I went back to the house and ate a bowl of rattatoullie YUM

I did have two standard glasses of wine, but I stopped there, and it took me a couple of hours to get through them, no gulping, only lady sips.

So this evening I am starting series one of Life on Mars, which will be a nice change of pace from Weeds and True Blood.

2 standard glasses of cabernet sauvignon
lots of good food, no cake
8 hours sleep
60 minute brisk walk

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Rainy Thursday

I got home last night in the dark - it was winter solstice yesterday. I changed into my fluoro orange trakky daks and runners, found the last disc in series five of WEEDS, grabbed the torch and headed down to the nerd cave to do some sweating.
The weather was all swirly and frightening and then I realised Max, the goat, was still pegged out in the paddock next door and I should move him.
Animals and windy weather make an interesting mix, so I got a work out just getting Max back to his little shed for some shelter. He's the only resistence exercise I get these days.
Anyway, after the usual struggle of working out which piece of electronic nonsense will play DVDs and which one is actually plugged into the telly, and untangling the wires, and then realising that the treadmill belt was skewiff, and fixing that because some sweatty teen may have been misusing the aparatus... I got it all working and walked quickly for about 30 minutes.
I wasn't up for a run.
I feel sooky.
And tired.
And I just want to curl up someplace quiet and read my Edward De Bono book, or the second one in the Sookie Stackhouse series my boss loaned me recently.
And hungry.
Very very hungry.

Back in the house, pasta bake was baking, experimental electronic music was competing loudly with The Big Bang Theory, and I was feeling sooky and tired.
I ended up going to bed to read at about 8.30pm - I don't know what time I fell asleep, but Significant Other had to remove my glasses and prise the book out of my hand when he came to bed.

This morning the rain on the roof kept sending me back to sleep, but I did manage to extricate myself from the clutches of my winter hibernation nest, check on the hens, in the rain, feed Max, in the rain, and then realise I should have worn galoshers, gum boots, wellingtons or wet weather footwear, and tucked my big flappy wide legged pants into them before I set out.

0 units of alcohol yesterday
Lots of food.
Lots of sleep
30 minutes brisk walk