Monday, 25 June 2012

the weekend that was

Trying to cast my mind back...

Friday after the class on Mental Illness, we beetled home and just did the normal things. My running alarm went off and I did a 30 minute walk before having dinner. There was wine - I had about 2/3 of a bottle of Cab Merlot and then went to bed pretty early because I had to work on the tender the next day.
On Saturday I got to work at about 9.30 and spent until 4 working on the tender with my colleagues. I came home to a cold, empty house and set about lighting the fire and what not when my neighbour turned up with a bag of food - My lovely weekend neighbour sometimes likes to come over to ours and cook dinner with us, and this night was a beef roast - lovely fella put together a creamy dauphinois that looked like this:

We ate and drank like Waterloo royalty - I had about a bottle of wine... we got through three bottles between us and I didn't drink the most, but it wiped me out a bit - we watched a cheesy old film from the 50s with Tuesday Weld in it called Rock Rock Rock, then I went to bed.

Sunday was my only day off this week so after popping the teens on a train, lovely man and I pottered about the house doing washing and what not, then went for a nice long walk around Back Waterloo, and came home and had a big bowl of chicken noodle soup for dinner.
Yesterday I work up at about 5.30 and started work pretty much straight away without even brushing my teeth - I worked through until about 3pm and went for a brisk 30 minute treadmill walk - I'm not watching Life on Mars anymore because the pack I got from the library only started at disc three in series one, and I wanted to watch it from the beginning.
Last night we had beef bourginon and mash

Thursday night = 2 glasses wine
Friday = 2/3 bottle red wine
Saturday = bottle red wine
Sunday = 0 alcohol
Monday = 0 alcohol

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